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Diplomacy Major

Person holding paper people chainMajor Requirements for Diplomacy

In order to declare a major in Diplomacy, students are required to meet with an advisor. Diplomacy is an open major, meaning that you don't have to apply or take any prerequisites to declare.

Transfer students: to discuss any questions about major requirements, make an appointment with one of our advisors.

Diplomacy Major Overview

The Diplomacy major prepares students to work on some of the most consequential issues of the present. The field of Diplomacy is wide-ranging and interdisciplinary. Wherever competing interests and perspectives collide, the craft of diplomacy is critical. This major combines the study of the structural causes of conflict with the practice of real-world negotiation and consensus-building. It emphasizes technical, cultural, and communicational competencies alike. The program builds on key research strengths from across the University of Utah.


The Diplomacy major has four focus areas:

1) Tribal Sovereignty and Cultural Heritage

2) Conflict, Displacement, and Humanitarian Affairs

3) Health, Climate, and Sustainability

4) Science, Technology, and Society


Major Requirements: 51-52 Credits

  • One Peoples core course
    • HIST 1510: World History since 1500
    • GEOG 1400: Human Geography
  • One Challenges core course
    • PHIL 1001: Intro: Philosophy and Ethical Dilemmas
    • POLs 2100: Intro to Intl. Relations
  • One Dialogues core course
    • COMM 1270: Analysis of Argument
    • COMM 1500: Media and Society
  • IAS Core Curriculum: Foundations
    • DPLO 3000  (offered each spring semester)
  • Lower Division Language or Communication (BA or BS requirements)
    • Bachelor of Arts students take 16 credits of foreign language courses 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020 in one language
    • Bachelor of Science students take all of the following:
      • COMM 3150: Dialoguing through Conflict
      • COMM 3330: Argumentation and Negotiation
      • COMM 3190: Intercultural Communication
  • Language Requirement (BA or BS requirements)
  • Thematic Core
    • 6 credits from your Thematic Focus History and Philosophy requirement (some sort of link? To the approved courses page)
  • Thematic Focus (BA or BS requirements)
    • Bachelor of Arts Students take 6 credits from your focus area’s approved courses
    • Bachelor of Science Students take 12 credits from your focus area’s approved courses
  • Signature Experience
    • Earn at least 3 credits through a relevant study abroad program, internship, research course, community-engaged learning course, or an honor thesis. Selection must be preapproved by an IAS advisor.
  • IAS Core Curriculum: Capstone
    • DPLO 5000 


Notes: No more than 3 credits from a Hinckley internship may count toward your focus electives and focus electives must come from a minimum of three departments.

Grade Requirements: All major courses must be taken for a minimum letter grade of C or better.






Transfer Students

Major Requirements: 51 to 52 Credits

A minimum of 17 International Studies/Diplomacy courses totaling 51 to 52 credits, depending on the degree type, must be completed successfully, including the signature experience. Please note that students may complete their signature experience through a relevant study abroad program, internship, research course, community-engaged learning course, or an honors thesis. Please see your advisor for more information.

SLCC Transfer Students

A portion of these courses may be completed through transfer credit from Salt Lake Community College. 

Transfer Students from Utah Institutions

A portion of courses may be completed through transfer credit from another university within the state of Utah. 

Transfer Students from Out-of-State

A portion of courses may be completed through transfer credit from another university. You will want to speak with an academic advisor to review your transfer coursework and discuss how these apply to the major requirements.






Last Updated: 3/25/25